Effective: 07/06/2024
BELUGA LINGUISTICS offers "TRANSLATION SERVICES SPECIALIZING IN DYNAMIC DIGITAL CONTENT”. Our business goal is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, with the aim of expanding the scope of digital technology and its potential for users all over the world. Our philosophy is to exude dedication and professionalism, in full alignment with our values.
Due to our activity, at BELUGA LINGUISTICS we know that information is a high-value asset for our organization and needs to be appropriately protected and managed to provide continuity to our business line and minimize any damage potentially caused by Information Security breaches, particularly in relation to data availability, integrity, and confidentiality.
To this end, BELUGA LINGUISTICS undertakes to:
- Maintain the necessary communication channels with clients and other stakeholders to identify their current and future needs, and to ensure that their requirements and expectations are met.
- Deliver training and awareness-raising for all parties involved in our process, with the aim of improving said process and promoting participation in quality and information security management.
- Develop our activities in compliance with legislation, as well as with other requirements agreed with our clients and other stakeholders.
- Continuously improve the efficacy of the Quality and Information Security Management System, by setting up systems to measure and monitor the services we deliver to our clients and the information systems involved, as well as our reviewing Quality and Information Security objectives.
- Ensure business continuity by developing continuity plans in line with recognized methodologies.
- Complete and periodically review a risk assessment based on recognized methods that enable us to establish the information security level and minimize risks by developing specific policies, technical solutions, and contractual agreements with specialist organizations.
- Ensure the diligent management of Information Security Incidents.
- Fulfill our commitment to stakeholder information.
- Select suppliers and subcontractors based on quality and IS criteria.
- In short, BELUGA LINGUISTICS is committed to pursuing our clients' complete satisfaction.
CEO Beluga Linguistics SL